Vanessa Mazzocchi

Energy Healer, Shamanic Practitioner

My passion is exploring how ritual can move people confidently and gracefully through periods of transition.

I am inspired to bridge ancient and modern modalities to help people live more gently in an ever-chaotic world.

My goal is to help individuals remember their own innate wisdom and guidance, reconnecting deeply with themselves and their radiance.

I am particularly drawn to how ritual and ceremony can allow us to repair the Earth on which we are blessed to live; the source from which we all come. When we heal ourselves, we quickly understand the transformative capacity in everything.

Living life in ritual, we are given vividly clear insights into how we are showing up in the world every day; both our light, and our darkness is illuminated before us.  We humbly ask for the help we need, releasing the binding to sorrow, anxiety, anger, or self-doubt and deepening our capacity to receive.

I was born in Melbourne, Australia, and have been guiding groups and individuals across Europe, India and Australia for the last 8 years. Working in a global city as a paramedic, especially during the pandemic, has taught me adaptability in providing specialised attention and care to people from all walks of life. My clinical past has informed my present conviction to provide holistic, transcendental medicine for the infinite human soul.

Working with me

1-1 Sessions

We undertake a free 30 minute intro call where we discuss your needs. We then create a plan to help you move forward. This could include a rite of passage, energy healing, shamanic journey or another process. This is charged at an hourly rate, or as a package.

Transformational Retreats

I offer overnight retreats, in a beautiful location in country Victoria. Here we craft an individual ceremony tailored for your healing, using a range of modalities. I offer continual support pre and post-ceremony to ease integration.

Full Moon and New Moon Events

I run group events around the Full and New Moon. Each fortnight will be different, encompassing shamanic journeying, meditation, authentic sharing, ecstatic dance etc. I love bringing people together to expand their spiritual practice, while being able to connect with like minded souls. This circle brings together people of all ages and demographics, and is a great place to cement a new or evolving practice.

I can be hired for workshops for community groups, schools and corporate venues.

  • "I took a home a piece of magic today. Created in part by our marvellous facilitator, Vanessa, assisted by Steven and all my brothers and sisters present in today's ecstatic dance and cacao ceremony. It was an enriching nurturing heart-igniting experience and I feel so honoured and blessed to have been a part of it. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you."

    Leah A

  • Always wanted to try meditation but I wasn't sure where to start. Vanessa not only showed me the path but also created a welcoming atmosphere where I was able to explore my own feelings and dwell into new meditative journeys. Sunrise Meditations is my most anticipated hour of the week which leaves me recharged, peaceful and capable to share positive energy with everyone else. Truly recomend for everyone. Whether it is a medium to deal with stress or anxiety, simply calm your mind or grow your emotional capacity.

    Dominika Lomsargytė

  • Absolutely loved Vanessa's guided meditations, used to go there twice a week and felt uplifting and calming effect after every session! She is very welcoming and knowledgeable in what she's doing. Especially enjoyed that all meditations were focused on specific subjects: gratitude, manifestation, acceptance, etc. Thank you! Looking forward to join again soon!

    Ruta Vebraite

  • I really enjoyed Vanessa's style of meditation and how she educated us on the connection of each class to the chakras. I also loved learning how to smudge. It broadened my scope of what meditation could be; and reminded me that my practice can be whatever resonates most to keep me grounded. I definitely want to maintain a regular practice moving forward. I found myself looking forward to the Sunday sessions as an end of week reset.

    Laura Colof - Executive Assistant

  • I really enjoyed the course. Vanessa is a passionate and clear teacher and has a very powerful gift. As for the the effects: I'm overall calmer and I've noticed that I've managed to wrestle confidently and deeply with a few big issues over the time I've been doing the course. I put that down to greater self trust and faith and having the quietness in my mind. I will for sure continue with the meditation. I've been practicing most days. I get a lot out of it and am enjoying learning more each time.

    Monia Fah

  • I attended a shamanic drum journey with Vanessa. It brought up a lot of emotion for me. The next day I had a shift, where I was able to speak my truth in a relationship that was challenging for me. It brought us closer because of it. Thank you Vanessa.

    Iona Trecce - Mother

  • It is easy to be transported to the place Vanessa takes us too in the meditation or shamanic journey. I can sense it so clearly - she has a very special talent. Her sessions make me feel peaceful and calm - and install a sense of community and togetherness. It is really helping me work through my grief.

    Amanda Keel - Mental Health Nurse

Book an appointment.

Schedule a call with me, and we can determine the best path to walk together.