Shamanic Energy Medicine

Discussing the problem energy    

Vanessa uses her background in Neuro Linguistic Programming to help you drill into the problem energy and how it’s holding you in your life. She helps you to see that it is an illusion, beginning to allow your conscious mind to let go of the grip of how the energy is holding you. This helps the client see that they are willing to release this energy and the effect it’s had on their life.


Clearing the energy

In remote sessions, Vanessa tracks the energy through the use of her rattle or drum. In person, she follows the energy as it begins to unravel and unfold within your field, allowing the layers to come forth and reveal themselves.  We continue to clear this energy throughout the session. This can involve, crying, screaming, coughing, shaking, etc - anything that helps release the bind.  Often we delve into ancestral and collective patterns.


Filling up with Light

Here we fill up the space you’ve cleared with all the medicine your soul needs to move forward and choose differently.For some, this is about strengthening their ability to receive. This is a deeply nurturing part of the healing, were they connect with their power and innate healing capacity, as well as their guides and ancestors. Vanessa helps people strengthen their connection to the light.


We spend some time grounding and integrating your new insights. We discuss  ways to strengthen your energy field to hold your new learnings and implement it into your everyday life. We discuss a healing plan to move forward.